Full name – Kotomi Yubelluna
Kana – ユーベルーナ
Romaji – Yūberūna
Origin – High School DxD
Race – Reincarnated Devil (formerly) Calamity Beast (Currenty)
Gender – Female
Family – Unknown
Clan – Phoenix Clan
Membership – Raiser Nobility, Nobility Of Raiser
Age / Birthday – ???
Hair Color — Violet
Eye Color – Purple
Ability / weapon – Magic of Fire
Height / Weight – ????
Seiyu – Kotomi Yamakawa (Japanese) Nicknames – Queen Bomba’
Equipments – Fire Magic

Weapons – Walking Stick
Techniques – Magic fire
Leader – Raiser Phoenix
Rank – Low Class Demon
Status – Live

Appearance I
Yubelluna is a busty woman with long, wavy purple hair that falls all the way down her back and matching eyes. At the front, the right sidie of her hair falls over her breast and covers her right eye, while the left side falls near the top of her skirt.

Appearance II
Her attire is a dress consisting of a navy blue tunic top with gold accents and a pale blue skirt with open sides, black shoes and over matching thigh-high stockings with garter belts. The top reveals much of her cleavage, and is held with a gold choker with blue and red jewels. Over this, she wears a white overcoat with black and gold accents and matching pauldrons.

In combat, Yubelluna is a cunning opponent but extremely submissive in Riser’s presence. However after become Calamity Beast she lost all of his reasonings then turned into brutal monster and even don’t know her master anymore. Despite still scream “Riser-sama!”.

Not much is revealed about her past, only that at one point in time, she was reincarnated as a Devil by Riser.

Yubelluna was introduced when the Occult Research Club members met with Riser and his peerage. At the Rating Game between Riser and Rias Gremory, she was sent to the front lines by Riser where she defeated Koneko while Koneko and Issei were careless. She then fought against Akeno in a one-on-one fight and won. Yubelluna then defeated Yuuto Kiba after Yuuto and Issei successfully defeated all of Riser’s remaining peerage members, leaving Rias with Issei and Asia Argento, before heading back to her master’s side. When Issei appeared during Rias and Riser’s fight, Yubelluna offered to take on Issei and Asia but was stopped by Riser, who wanted to clear things up and finish the battle.

Powers & Abilities
Demonic Power: As a Queen, Yubelluna possesses all the powers of a knight, rook, and bishop thus giving her enhanced speed, strength, defense and magical power.
Fire Magic: Yubelluna excels in fire magic. She uses powerful fire magic from her wand or hand that looks like a bomb explosion when hitting the target. Her fire magic is shown to be powerful enough to eliminate both Koneko and Yuuto in one attack.
Flight: Being a Devil, Yubelluna can fly using her wings, just like all other devils.

- In the anime, Yubelluna was used by Riser to make Issei jealous, while in the manga and light novels, Riser uses Ile and Nel instead.
- Yubelluna dislikes her nickname because of its bad taste.
- In the anime, Yubelluna was shown to be able to fly without her Devil wings as opposed to the Light Novels where she had to use her Devil wings for flight.